Quick: name the top ten best things you can put on your face. Regardless of what is on this list, mustaches top it the rest, except maybe facials scars from knife fighting or any sort of shark encounter, but those can't be drawn or adhesived on right before the party, can they? No! Mustaches are a cocktail of the best "I don't give a fuck" parts of douche bag cop, 70's action star, skeezy chain-smoking Frenchman, domestic terrorist, and child molester, so it's only natural that a significant portion of the female hipster population wants to stick them on their faces. I guess. This trend is going practically unrecorded, even on the internet. This blog's purpose is to record and catalog every mustache-clad female hipster from every party pic and social networking website we can find. It's not for us. It's for future generations, so when they're throwing a "mid late 2000's theme party" theme party, they'll know what we were all about.
If you'd like to contribute, discuss the social significance or origins of hipster girls in mustaches, or you'd like a picture taken down, leave a comment or email hipstergirlsinmustaches (at) gmail.